Week 1 - #2 - TEDx Video by Chris Lonsdale

Dear readers,

During the class session on 12 April, our lecturer (laoshi) shared the following TEDx video by Chris Lonsdale, titled " How to learn any language in six months ".

In the video, Chris clearly and concisely summarised several key pointers a prospective learner should know when learning a new language. The pointers include the following ;

1 - Focus on language content that is relevant to you.

2 - Use the language from day one.

3 - When you first understand the message, you will subconsciously acquire the language.

4 - Physiological training helps (i.e. using gestures, acting things out).

5 - Learn to listen to a lot.

6 - Focus on getting the meaning first (before the words).

7 - Use body language.

8 - Mixing languages (i.e. bahasa rojak) is okay.

9 - Focus on the core (key phrases, sentences)

10 - Get a language parent or friend (as a mentor).

11 - Copy the facial expressions (i.e. mouth movements when speaking)

12 - ' Direct connect ' to mental images (i.e. association)

I hope to apply these key pointers as I learn to speak and write basic Mandarin in the coming 6 weeks.

- Manoj Prasad
